DATRON Dynamics

DATRON next Control Software

The Future of the CNC Industry. Now.

Do CNC Machine Controls Really Need To Be So Complicated?

It’s hard to find experienced machinists. And when you do find one, they’re either over-worked and too busy—or work is slow and you’re trying to keep them occupied.

What you really need is the flexibility to have almost anyone be able to setup & operate your CNC equipment. Wouldn’t it be great to have a control system that was so easy to use, your whole team could learn to run the machine in just a few hours—with no prior machining experience? If only your CNC control was as intuitive and easy-to-use as a smartphone! The DATRON next control, just made that a reality!

Welcome To The Future. Welcome To DATRON next Control.

The DATRON next control software features a touchscreen interface that’s as easy to use as your smartphone. Whether your into high-volume machining or prototyping – whether you’re an experienced machinist or the new guy on the floor – this next gen machine interface is going to change the way you work.

The next control guides you through the 4-step setup process, the graphic icons make it easy to identify various functions, and the tap and swipe operation makes CNC milling almost as easy as 3D printing. But the best, and most unique, feature is that the camera in the working area is integrated with the touchscreen display and the XYZ sensor. That allows you to set the origin of your workpiece with a simple swipe on the touchscreen, eliminating the need to manually input all that complex numerical data. 

There is only one machine, and machine builder, on the planet that represents exactly my view of the future of the CNC industry and that’s the Next Control and the newest generations of DATRON machines.

Jeff Heinz – Senior Prototyping Engineer, Microsoft

Just a couple days and we were ready to go.

We had 3 days of training here at our facility and that’s really all it took. Just a couple days and we were ready to go. It was pretty mind blowing to have the machine land and the next day we were cutting parts.

Glenn Parent – Site Supervisor, Expographiq

Explore our 8 Different Software Options

Integrated Camera

The integrated camera’s software feature allows for a fast, safe, and simple visual setup of the workpiece origin. Quickly find your zero-point using a combination of swipe gestures, the camera, and the probe. Save time during the setup process by simply drawing the approximate location of the zero point on the live image cast from the camera on the touchscreen with your finger. Watch the probe measure the part with a low risk of collision. The integrated camera and software option is included in the base price of the neo and is optional on all other machines.

Z Surface Mapping

The Measuring Probe, in combination with the software option of Z Surface Mapping, allows you to measure the workpiece and automatically compensates for any uneven surface area. It’s fast and easy to activate or deactivate, and you don’t need to adjust the milling program.

Protected Areas

The Protected Areas feature allows you to designate specific spaces in the machining area that are off-limits for the cutting tool. Thus, you never have to worry about accidentally milling into the machine table or your workholding. It provides many options, including multiple protected areas.

Auto Tool Management

The Auto Tool Management feature monitors tool wear and automatically replaces worn milling tools with backup or sister tools during the machining process without needing to change the milling program. It’s fast and easy to activate in the tool management area, where you will also find detailed information about each tool, including the wear and expected remaining life.

Multiple Execution (nesting)

The Multiple Execution function produces several identical workpieces from a single sheet or blank material. It automatically executes a nesting of parts with different origins. All you need to do is program and prove out one part, and then you can nest them right at the machine without having to go back to your CAM package.

Remote Monitoring

Verify your machine is operating properly when you are not at your facility from your smart phone with the Remote Monitoring option. You can monitor the remaining run time, compressed air, vacuum and coolant level data and even view it machining with the real-time camera view. You can even shut off your vacuum pump or the machine.

Automation Interface (Rest API)

DATRON’s REST API provides a simple, standardized way for two different pieces of software/hardware to talk to each other. DATRON offers two REST API options: Basic and Automation. Basic is great for tracking machine data, like how many parts were run, the cycle time, stop time, and more. That data can be relayed to metrics software like an ERP system to help with resource planning and reviewing production efficiencies. REST API Automation has everything in the Basic option, plus the ability to read and write machine parameters. It’s ideal for the seamless integration of robots, inspection equipment, and other hardware. With the Automation option, you have full control of your machine from your smart phone or computer.

User Profiles

In production environments requiring multiple people to use the machine for different purposes, the User Profile option allows you to grant rights to qualified users. Typical user profiles include machine operator, CAM engineer, or maintenance manager. Protect your investment from unauthorized users tampering with your equipment.

Contact Us Today To Learn More About Our High Speed CNC Machines

Our DATRON experts help many customers bring manufacturing in-house. Reach out to our team to see which machine and accessories are the right fit for your parts.

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DATRON Dynamics

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