DATRON Dynamics

Acrylic & Polycarbonate CNC Machines

You need versatile equipment to keep up with changing job demands.

What if you had a CNC milling machine that adapted to your project and material needs? A DATRON can do that. DATRON CNC mills excel at high-speed machining of plastics, composites, and non-ferrous metals like copper. The high-speed spindles and carbide tooling not only provide faster cycle times but superior part finishes too. And it goes beyond just a high-quality milling machine. The entire DATRON workflow is engineered to provide a simplified machining process that delivers high-end results.

DATRON Machines Specialize in Milling Acrylic

DATRONs were designed for high-speed plastic machining.

It goes beyond machine capabilities with a DATRON. Everything from the machine construction to the vacuum workholding and tool design was developed to provide manufacturers with an efficient and effective CNC mill for precision acrylic machining.

Plastics are not easy to work with. Too much heat softens the material, and that impacts the cut quality. So, you need fast feed rates and a high RPM spindle to efficiently mill plastics. DATRONs reach spindle speeds up to 60,000 RPM. The hot chips must be removed from the cutting tool path quickly, so the cooling system has to be efficient. DATRONs use a minimum-quantity lubricant system with pressurized air that blasts chips out of the way.

Avoid cracks and chipping with DATRON's polished tools

DATRON’s line of carbide end mills include polished and balanced cutters. There are even tools specifically designed for acrylic machining. Combined with a high-speed spindle, the small tooling creates intricate details with ease and leaves burr-free finishes. 

  • Large work area and compact machine footprint
  • High-speed spindles up to 60k RPM
  • Evaporative minimum-quantity cooling system
  • Optimized carbide CNC tool designs
  • Flexible workholding options
  • Intuitive touchscreen control system

Desktop CNC Machines vs. DATRON CNC Machines

If you’re making acrylic parts that require precise details and a smooth surface finish, you need a rigid milling machine instead of a desktop CNC mill. DATRONs are built for precision machining with their rigid construction, high RPM spindles, and micro tooling. The smart control software and touch probe compensate for workholding disparities and any irregularities in your acrylic stock. So your parts stay consistently accurate.

Holiday Snowflake Milling

Lithophane on a DATRON neo

DATRON MLCube Mills Plastic Skid Pads for Valkyrie BattleBot

Contact Us Today To Learn More About Our High Speed CNC Machines

Our DATRON experts help many customers bring manufacturing in-house. Reach out to our team to see which machine and accessories are the right fit for your parts.

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DATRON Dynamics

0% Financing for 48 Months

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4 datron cnc machines lined up next to each other